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Laminate flooring is a popular and cost-effective type of flooring that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It is a synthetic flooring product that is designed to look like real wood, stone, or tile. 

Laminate Composition

Laminate flooring is made up of several layers of material that are fused together using heat and pressure. The top layer is a clear wear layer that protects the floor from scratches, stains, and fading. 

The layer underneath is a high-resolution photographic layer that gives the floor its realistic look. The core of is made up of high-density fiberboard or particleboard that gives the floor its strength and stability.

Laminate was first introduced in Australia in the early 1990s and quickly became popular due to its affordability, durability, and easy installation. 

How Laminate Changed the Landscape

It was a revolutionary product as it offered consumers a low-cost alternative to traditional hardwood flooring, which can be expensive and difficult to install. 

Since then, laminate has become a staple in many Australian homes and businesses.

What Does it Consist of?

The manufacturing process of laminate involves the use of advanced technology and machinery. 

The top layer of the flooring is created by printing a high-resolution image onto a sheet of paper. This paper is then treated with a melamine resin that provides a protective layer and enhances the durability of the flooring. 

The high-density fiberboard or particleboard core is created by compressing wood fibres or particles together under high pressure and heat. This core is then treated with a resin that gives it added strength and water resistance. Finally, the layers are fused together under high pressure and heat to create a durable and long-lasting laminate flooring product.

Laminate Flooring Breakdown

It is composed of several layers of material that are fused together using heat and pressure. The layers consist of:

Wear Layer: This is the topmost layer that protects the floor from scratches, stains, and fading. It is usually made of a clear, durable material like aluminium oxide.

Design Layer: This layer is underneath the wear layer and is responsible for giving the laminate flooring its realistic look. It is made up of a high-resolution photographic image that can mimic wood, stone, or tile.

Core Layer: This is the main structural layer of the flooring. It is made up of high-density fiberboard (HDF) or particleboard. HDF is made by compressing wood fibres together under high pressure and heat, while particleboard is made from wood particles and adhesives that are compressed under high pressure and heat.

Backing Layer: This is the bottom layer of the laminate flooring and provides stability and support. It is usually made of melamine resin that provides moisture resistance and helps to prevent warping or cupping.

The layers are fused together using a process called lamination. 

Interior Design and Getting it Right

Choosing the right laminate flooring to match your home decor can be a daunting task, and it is important to seek the advice of an interior design expert to ensure that you make the right choice. 

An interior design expert can help you navigate the many options available in laminate flooring, including colour, texture, and pattern, and can help you choose a product that meets your needs and fits your budget.

An interior design expert can also help you consider other factors that may impact your choice of laminate flooring. 

For example, if you have pets or children, choose a flooring product that is more durable and resistant to scratches. If you live in a humid climate or have a basement, choose a product that is more resistant to moisture and humidity.

In hospitality spaces, it is especially important to choose a laminate flooring product that is durable and suited for high-traffic areas. An interior design expert can help you choose a product that is not only durable but also aesthetically pleasing and on-brand with the space.

Overall, an interior design expert can help you make an informed decision when it comes to choosing the right laminate flooring for your home or hospitality space. 

They can help you consider all of the factors that may impact your choice and guide you towards a product that meets your needs and fits your style and budget.


In today’s market, laminate flooring is an excellent choice for homeowners looking for an affordable, durable, and attractive flooring option. Its low maintenance requirements, easy installation, and wide range of styles and colours make it a popular choice for many Australian homeowners. With many of Australia’s manufacturers, you can also expect lengthy warranties for structural and wear and tear and, in many cases, commercial space warranties, all of which can be between five to 20 years or more, as it is that durable! Good luck in finding what suits you!